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Presidents Message.

Members of the Western Reserve,

It’s hard to believe it’s been two years already since we founded this club. When we started, we had a very simple mission in mind: to have fun with our cars. I feel we’ve created a club that has accomplished that. From social gatherings, like our annual “Venom Thaw”, to car shows like “Mopars at Junction”, or road trips, like this years “Slither on 16”, the Western Reserve has something for everyone. The past two years have been a blast and the future promises to be more of the same.

This month will conclude my term as President of the Western Reserve. I want to take this opportunity to say it has been an honor and a privilege to serve as President of this great region. Our founding charter had just over 30 members and today we have grown our membership to 59 strong! This is a direct reflection on how we run our club and the types of events we hold. But more importantly, it’s a reflection of how welcoming our members are. I feel we have some of the best members in the entire VOA and the growth of our membership proves it.

I’d also like to this opportunity to welcome our new officers to the fold. President elect, Rich Kautz, will begin his term on January 1st. Rich has a ton of experience running Viper clubs, and I have no doubt that he will be able to lead the Western Reserve in a positive direction. Treasurer elect, Beth Glaude, has been involved in the Viper community for a long time and is ready to meet her new challenge as Treasurer head on. John Cummins has been elected to Vice President for a second term, and I have been elected to the position of Secretary. Please join me in congratulating Rich and Beth on their new positions, and I wish them nothing but success in their terms.

I would also like to thank outgoing Treasurer, Jenn Kautz. Jenn has put in countless hours of her time and her expertise to help make the Western Reserve the success that it is today.

Once again, I want to thank everyone for their support and help in making this one of the best regions in the VOA. I look forward to seeing you all in 2019


Bob Bierman

Inaugural President

Secretary Elect

Western Reserve VOA

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2017 | Western Reserve Viper Club

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